Matthew 5:25-26 (NIV):  “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.  I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”


This scripture applies at two levels.  First, it ties in closely with the preceding verse.  If you have wronged someone, you need to go and make it right with them.  The people of the kingdom find no place for pride or self-justification in their lives – people are the most important thing to them (after God, of course!).  If I let hurt and anger fester in another person because of something I have done, I am putting a block between that person and heaven.  If it has escalated to the point of a lawsuit, I must do all I can to settle the matter before it goes to court.  This is assuming, of course, that there really is something I have done that is causing the lawsuit.  If there is, I must not justify it or minimize it – I must put it right as soon as possible!  If I don’t, the judge will find me guilty, or negligent, or whatever, and it will cost me dearly in time, reputation, and money.

But there is even more here.  This also speaks of the relationship between people and God.  Every person on earth is on their way to the Great Judgment, where every deed and every attitude of the heart will be laid bare.  If a person has received Jesus as their Savior and has lived a life that shows forth a heart devoted to God, then they will be welcomed into eternal glory.  If they refuse to receive Jesus, or if their actions show a heart that is turned away from God, they will be adjudged guilty, and be sent into everlasting darkness.  Thus it is vital, as each of us goes through life, that we ensure that there is no unforgiven sin or wrong found in us.  If there is anything out of alignment with God, we must set it right while we are “still on the way.”  We must repent (change our direction with regards to that area of sin), receive forgiveness, and begin moving in the right direction.  We must not delay.  We must not try to justify the sin, or make excuses as to how it’s “not that bad,” or how I am “just as good as most people, and better than some.”  Those who try to make that defense before the throne of God will find out just how useless it is.

It is vital that God’s people keep short accounts.  Any sin against God, any sin against another person (which is also a sin against God) MUST be repented of and forgiven immediately, so that no one shows up at the throne of God loaded down with sins.  We must make it right while we are still on the way, so that when we stand before God at the final judgment, we will be able to do so with every sin already paid for.


Father, thank You that You make this avenue available to us; that we don’t have to show up at the judgment and try to argue our case while loaded down with sins.  Thank You that You made a way through the blood of Jesus that we can settle matters with You along the way; that our sins can be repented of and paid for before we ever show up at Your throne.  And thank You for the amazing truth that we can come before You at the last judgment blameless and holy because of what Jesus has done for us.  Help me, help us, to live out these realities every single day of our lives.  Amen.