Matthew 5:4 (NIV):  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


Even though it seems contradictory to the human heart (Much of what Jesus said does!), this statement is true.  Those who are happy and satisfied with their lot have no need of comforting, so they cannot receive the deep, heart-healing comfort that only God can give by the reassurance of His presence and power.  This is true whether the person is mourning because of:

  • The loss of a loved one.  In this case, God can come alongside them and speak to their hearts of a whole future with Him, where all tears are washed away, and where death, divorce, and separation never again happen.
  • Their understanding of their own sinful actions.  This is the heart of repentance – a godly sorrow for wrong actions and attitudes, and for the consequences that spring from them.  In this case, God can come alongside them and speak to their hearts about His love and forgiveness, dearly paid for, but freely available to all who will come to Him for forgiveness.
  • Missed opportunities that may never come again.  In this case, God can come alongside them and speak to their hearts about the future.  He is the God who can and will restore the “years the locusts have eaten.”  (Joel 2:25)  He can make the dry deserts bloom, the dry riverbeds run full of life-giving water, and all things new.
  • Other losses.  In this case, God can come alongside and speak to their hearts about who He is.  He is the God who created all things from nothing.  He owns the sheep on a thousand hills, and nothing is too difficult for Him.  Like Abraham, for those who trust in Him, He will become their “shield,” and their “very great reward.”  (Genesis 15:1)  NOTHING that a person can lose, whether jobs, or houses, or cars, or opportunities, or even people, can compare with the riches that are found in relationship with Him.

Only those who mourn can be comforted.  And God WILL comfort ALL who mourn, and who come to Him.


Father, this is a great promise.  As one who has experienced this exquisite comfort on more than one occasion, I can testify that every word is true, and that You are ALWAYS faithful to Your word.  Thank You, Lord, for Your comfort.  Amen.