Psalm 22:6-11 (NIV):  But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people.  All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads:  “He trusts in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.”  Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast.  From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.  Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help.


These words, written by David in the midst of fiery trials, and ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, are nevertheless fulfilled daily in the lives of God’s people.  It is the very nature of darkness to hate the light; of evil to despise the good.  And as God’s people are holy, just, and righteous, the people of this world, who are evil, unjust, and lost in sin, will tend to hate them as a gut reaction.  You can see this clearly in the response that the religious leaders had to Jesus.  One would think that the presence of 100% pure, uncut love and holiness would make people feel wonderful!  But it showed their dark, twisted, self-focused hearts for what they were.  When they could only be compared to other sinful people, they looked pretty good.  But when the true light came, they saw in Him a righteousness, a holiness, a power, that they themselves did not possess, and could never hope to attain through all of their efforts, no matter how strenuous.  And so, rather than coming to Him for what He alone had, they hated Him for making them appear small, and powerless, and mean, even in their own eyes.

This same hatred was focused onto His disciples after He ascended to heaven.  Here were simple, uneducated men who had the same righteousness, holiness, and power that Jesus had, but that so eluded them.  That is one huge source of their astonishment, and evidence that they “had been with Jesus.”  (Acts 4:13)  And from that time to this, the true disciples of Jesus have had a righteousness, a holiness, and a power that turns on the hatred from the people of the world.  Jesus told His disciples (and us, by extension) that persecution was going to be an integral part of the lives of His followers.  And He told them when (NOT if) it happened, that they are to respond with rejoicing, as well as with prayers for their persecutors.  (Matthew 5:10-12, 43-48)

Those who belong to God and who lean on Him completely, who realize their own weakness in the face of persecution and trust wholly in His strength, He will enable to stand firm all the way to the end.  He will give us the same solidity, firmness, and resilience that Jesus faced His persecution with.  No matter how strongly the darkness attacks, He will enable our light to shine brightly.  No matter how high the tide of evil rises, He will raise up His standard against it!


Father, thank You for these promises, and the courage that they inspire.  Help me, today and every day, to stand strong, no matter the trouble, no matter the trials, no matter the persecutions I may face from those who oppose me because they oppose You.  Help me to stand firm to the end, and to ultimately win the victors’ crown!  Amen.