Philippians 2:14-16a (NIV):  Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life–


God’s people are to do all of their work in this world without complaining or arguing.  If we complain, what do we complain about?  Other people?  How can we tell other people about Jesus while complaining to them or about them?  The weather?  It is God who sends the rain and the sunshine as He determines, so it is HIM that we are complaining about.  The economy or the government?  We are to be concerned about GOD’s kingdom, and not be immersed in the kingdom of this world, which is ultimately doomed to destruction.  With whom do we argue?  With non-believers?  How do we share Jesus while arguing with someone?  With fellow Christians?  That destroys our witness when non-believers see or overhear.  (And much more of this is overheard than the arguers are aware of!)

We, as God’s people, are to be blameless and pure, so different from other people that we are like a candle shining in the dark; like stars gleaming in the jet black of space.  Only when we live that kind of life can we hold out the word of life with any credibility.


Father, thank You for Your guidance so we know how to live, and for Your Spirit, which can help us to live that way!  Help us, Lord, to really shine in our dark world, so that we can bring everyone into Your light.  Amen.