Matthew 26:55-56 (NIV):  At that time Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me.  But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.


The disciples fled when the situation looked hopeless.  As long as they figured that Jesus was going to put up a fight, they had faith that they could win.  But when they saw clearly that Jesus WASN’T going to fight, that these men were going to take Him captive, the disciples’ self-preservation instincts took over, and they ran.  They were not in tune with God’s plan; they could not see that the fight was being joined specifically through Jesus’ surrender, and that He would ultimately win by allowing Himself to be defeated.  The fight was not what they thought in their human understanding, the stakes were not what they believed, and the victory was nothing that they could conceive.  It was only after Jesus rose from the dead, only when He breathed the Holy Spirit on them (John 20:22), that they could begin to understand.  And it was only when the Spirit filled them with all His fullness that they saw clearly enough to share the real meaning of the crucifixion.

It is the same today.  Many people click their tongues in sympathy when one of God’s witnesses is captured or killed, and they talk about how it seems like evil is getting the upper hand.  But they do not see the larger picture – that it is often through a seeming surrender that victory is ultimately won.  It is often through an apparent defeat that a beachhead for victory is planted.  And it is nearly always through a witness willingly placing themselves in harm’s way that God’s word can be spoken to those who most need to hear it.


Father, I can now see things in ways I never did before.  Lord, I am willing to be used by You in whatever way You see fit, so that Your word, Your love, and Your grace can reach the uttermost parts of the earth.  Amen.