Luke 11:23 (NIV):  “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.”

There is only one way, the way of Jesus, which is God’s way, too.  If people do not follow Jesus, they place themselves out of God’s way, and end up opposing Him, which NEVER works out well  If people oppose God, they will end up suffering the consequences, including separation from Him forever.  And if people are not actively involved in the harvest, the mission of Jesus to actively seek and to save what was lost, if they are content to sit on the sidelines and let others do the work and let those they could reach end up in hell, those people actually weaken the impact of the gospel, and cause the whole Church to be less.  If they choose not to gather with Jesus, they become, by their inaction, active scatterers of what God is trying to gather in.  It is a two-face system – each person must decide which side of the coin they will be.  And to not decide is to decide to scatter.  The work is so vital, so important, so eternal in its scope, that the implications of choosing wrong are soul-shaking, even earth-shattering.  God’s people MUST choose right!

Father, I can see why this is so important.  Use me, even today, in the harvest.  Help me to have such a powerful burden for the lost that I will actively and passionately seek out those who don’t know You, and earnestly seek to bring them into the kingdom, so that Your Church will grow and Your name be glorified.  Amen.