Matthew 20:17-19 (NIV)Now as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside and said to them, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!”

Jesus’ clear understanding of His calling made all the difference when it came to wholehearted obedience.  He went to Jerusalem knowing completely all that would happen to Him there, because Jerusalem was where God, His Father, called him to go, and the suffering, and the death waiting for Him (and the glorious resurrection, of course) were why He called Him to go there.  To refuse or push back when the moment came was unthinkable, because this end had been envisioned since His youth – it was why He existed, and everything up to that point had been preparation.  He lived knowing that.
Today God still calls every one of His people (NOT just pastors) to a destiny that He has designed for them – a destiny that is designed to move the kingdom forward, to expand its range and its influence, and to literally have a world-changing impact.  But very, very few of God’s people actually listen to His call for thier lives.  Far too few take up the mantle that He has laid out for them, and follow Him all the way.  They believe that a real calling is not for them, or that, IF they were to follow Him, it would mean quitting their jobs, which would lead to their financial ruin.  So, in fear, they don’t listen, don’t hear, or don’t obey.  But if they would check out history, God didn’t ruin those who faithfully followed Him.  From Noah, to Moses to Elijah, and on and on, He provided for those He called.  Jesus was never ruined – He relied on His Father for every bit of food, clothing, and shelter, from the moment He started His ministry, and God met every need, either directly, or through the ministrations of obedient people.  Sometimes, even often, God DOES call people to leave their jobs, and even their lives as they know them, and to begin a totally new kingdom life.  But whatever God calls someone to do (whether to be His representative at their current job,, or to move on to something else), wherever He calls them to go (whether around the world or to their neighbors next door or across town), whatever destiny He has in store for them (whether giving their lives in the service of the gospel, or living a life that is fruitful into old age), if they will listen to and obey that call, they will find the same joy and satisfaction in serving God that Jesus and His apostles did.

Father, I’m in!  I hear Your call, and commit myself to live for You, to serve You, to follow You all the rest of my life.  Speak clearly to the hearts of ALL Your people, so that they can all do the same.  Amen.