Psalm 85:13 (NIV):  Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.

God’s miracles take place where His holiness and righteousness are present in the hearts of His people.  Jesus was perfectly holy and righteous, and miracles and the furtherance of the kingdom flowed from Him as naturally as breathing.  But those who are not holy, those in whom God’s righteousness is smothered by sin and self-interest, can do no miracles – RIGHTEOUSNESS goes before Him and prepares the way for His steps, His actions in the world.  That is why James wrote, “The prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)  Without God’s righteousness, there is no power.  And this is no “imputed” righteousness that doesn’t show in practical holiness of life – “He who does what is right is righteous just as He is righteous.” (1 John 3:7)  Without real holiness, no one will see God, and without real, active righteousness, there can be no miracles.  The reason miracles are so rare today is not because God has grown weak or unconcerned, but because truly righteous people have grown exceedingly rare.  True righteousness goes before God, and prepares the way for His steps.

Father, forgive us for neglecting true righteousness, for living without real holiness, and then assuming that You will still do mighty miracles through us.  Touch our hearts, even today, with Your purifying fire, just as You touch the mountains and set them ablaze so that they smoke.  Make us righteous and truly holy, so that the way is prepared for Your steps among us.