God Still Speaks!
Many people long to hear God’s voice in their own lives. They long for God’s guidance and direction, and sometimes just for words of comfort and assurance.
The good news is that God still speaks to people today. But only those who listen can hear Him.
Recent Works
My passion is to help people experience the voice of God in and through the Scriptures in a way that is personally transformative. Through the pages of these book-by-book, passage-by-passage devotionals, I help readers to tune their ears to God’s voice, as well as to the enduring truths which He has spoken through His people in the past. Each devotional commentary encourages an active interaction with the text of the Bible. And each book includes the entire Scriptural text in the popular and easy-to-read Holman CSB version.
20 True Things
Objective Truths in a Shifting Society
When We Listen
A Devotional Commentary on John
When We Listen
A Devotional Commentary on Luke